I'm way to old for dolls but my bestie made this really cute frog for me. He's made from fabric and I adore him. I've always loved frogs and this wee guy is no exception.
Course I couldn't just leave it at that. I've been knee deep in what they call K-Drama, (C-Drama) Korean period piece, TV shows. I love them... can't figure out the next sentence or the plot before it's in the air like I can with US made. Found out that our Frog Man was designed by oJoodoll.com and she's got a bunch of patterns. There's also video which shows step by step, piece by piece construction. Of course I got the Korean Noblewoman. The body and head are done after like many hours of work. It's very cathartic so far. The face was daunting so I ironed butcher paper on the wrong side of the fabric, scanned and printed off a file of faces. So far so good, after the face comes the hair.
For that I've dyed a blue black silk thread. There will be braiding, wrapping and what not.

I would like to knit for them as well. This is a close photo of cobweb on the left and fine lace on the right. On the left of the sheep gauge is a pair of 00 sized needles, the blue on the right are 000 and the pink are 0000, crazy I know but I do love making super tiny things.
And of course I can't leave well enough alone, the other night I made a very long list of dolls to make and dress. Yes, it's addicting. The body has been difficult, I've learned so much doing this. Did you know doll joints can be made from beads? I had no idea but know what my next body will contain. Now for housing... 👵